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young girl sitting at desk doing telehealth therapy on laptop

Telehealth: Is it here to stay?

Quarantines, office closures, and public safety concerns regarding COVID19 created a huge demand and sudden surge of telehealth services. Telehealth has long served a small subset of the therapy population, but it’s never been widely reimbursed or accepted by insurers. Now that carriers have started to reimburse and offices are able to evaluate how their patient’s fare with the new therapy model – is it here to stay? Can we go back now?
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telehealth speech therapy session

Telehealth: How’s it going?

Telehealth: How’s it going? Increasing COVID numbers in March and April left many providers and insurers scrambling to get telehealth underway in their clinic. Telehealth has always been an excellent medium for certain patients, but it has never been the norm, and many therapy clinics did not even offer telehealth before COVID. While specialists were researching the technology and reaching out to patients, insurers were also evaluating their own policies and releasing many, many memos on what they will or will not cover as it relates to telehealth.
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Florida: Coronavirus and how it’s affecting healthcare administration

With the World Health Organization officially labeling Coronavirus as a pandemic and confirmation of the virus multiplying throughout the states, Insurance Companies and Public Health Organizations are getting serious about what it’s going to take to battle this – not just medically, but also organizationally and administratively.
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Takeaways from ASHA2019

Takeaways from ASHA 2019

EEP had a great time attending ASHA and it was so great to see several of our current clients and meet many other new providers! We were able to speak to providers in all situations from all states and learned a lot about the wants and needs of the community.
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Centene and WellCare Merger

Centene and WellCare Merger: What do we know?

In March of 2019 Centene announced they were going forward to purchase WellCare in a $17.3 billion-dollar transaction. Since the announcement there’s been some anxiety in provider circles about what
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Waiving Deductibles & Copays – Is it legal?

Waiving deductibles and copays has always been a hot-button issue in the medical community. It can be difficult as a provider to charge a patient a copay if you feel
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Pediatric Therapy and ADOS Testing

Billing for Pediatric Therapy and ADOS Testing

Billing for Pediatric Therapy and ADOS Testing – There is so much diagnostic and standardized testing that goes into pediatric therapy. It requires a lot of documentation and time that
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How To Find the Right Billing Agency - Edwards Electronic Processing Blog

How To Find The Right Billing Agency For Your Therapy Practice

As a therapy billing agency with over 25 years of experience, we understand that billing can be complex, intimidating, and confusing. It is also perhaps the most important function you
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How Outsourcing Your Billing Can Make Your Therapy Practice More Efficient - Edwards Electronic Processing Blog

How Outsourcing Billing Can Make Your Therapy Clinic More Efficient

If you own a therapy clinic, you no doubt understand that billing involves more than just submitting claims. Duties such as requesting authorizations, applying payments to patient statements, and reconciling
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Insurance Authorizations 101 - Edwards Electronic Processing Blog

Insurance Authorizations 101

When a new patient arrives at your therapy clinic, there are several bases to cover before he or she can be treated. Along with standard intake forms and insurance verification,
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